Our Vision We strive to be more FAITHFUL in our discipleship, CONFIDENT in our task of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in our community and ever JOYFUL in our worship and all that we do in His service. As caring welcoming churches, we aim to serve, support and encourage each other to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
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Quick Links:

News And Events in

Wyberton and Frampton

Church & Community

For Church Calendar additions or amendments - Please contact either John Marshall, Mike Sharp or Revd Sudharshan.
Tip! To increase view on PC or Laptop - hold Ctrl key down and press + or - key.


Lead thefts are still a threat! If you see any suspicious activity near our churches - please dial 999 contacting the Police and also alert a church minister or church warden.
Wyberton with Frampton Churches
For Local Church Giving For Frampton Name: Frampton PCC Sort Code: 51-81-08 Account number: 04612396 For Wyberton Name: Wyberton PCC Sort Code: 40-12-30 Account number: 71590154
Click or tap individual line entry for more details. You may also select Week Month or Agenda view.
This site uses Google analytics to indicate our website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors. Google services use cookies which may be deleted in user browser settings.
Events may also appear on our Fundraising page
Church Calendar of Services and Events
We are part of the Local Mission Partnership ‘Boston South’ - parishes include: Boston, Wyberton, Frampton, Kirton, Algarkirk and the Haven Group of Bicker, Donington, Swineshead and Wigtoft.
Usual Sunday Service Plan:
St Michael
St Mary
St Leodegar
11:00 SW
10:00 HC
11:00 HC
10:00 SW
Group Service >>
11:00 SW
11:00 SW
10:00 SW
Group Service
Venue rotates
in Frampton
click or tap link/images below for larger view
Please note : SW = Service of the Word. HC = Holy Communion Church Services are held in St Leodegar’s Wyberton (livestreamed & catch up) and also St Mary’s Frampton or St Michael’s Frampton West. Group Services - 3rd Sunday St Leodegar’s Wyberton. 5th Sunday alternately in either of the Frampton Churches. Services may be subject to change, e.g. Baptisms and Festivals - so please check the Church Calendar and Notices on Worship Page for services and events. This site is updated weekly.
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Congratulations to Mike Eyre… He was commissioned on 18th January 2025, as our new Focal Minister in Frampton. Mike has already been with us as Church Organist and PCC Treasurer for many years. Focal Ministers are an everyday presence and focus of ministry within their local church and community. As a pillar of practical leadership, they strengthen and uphold our ability to be who we are called to be, bringing out the very best in all our activities and actions for Christ.
R.I.P. Quentin - The Lord Davies of Stamford. His funeral on Friday 7th February in St Mary’s Frampton, was well attended. Family tributes were given by his sons Alexander and Nicholas.
Bishop of Grimsby announces his Retirement After more than thirty years of ordained ministry, and the past eleven years as the Bishop of Grimsby, the Rt Revd Dr David Court has announced that he will retire at the end of July 2025.
General Synod February 2025 Watch Live or catchup on
© The Churches in Wyberton & Frampton Site Editor: John Marshall

Welcome to the website

for Wyberton and Frampton

in the Diocese of Lincoln

Quick Links:
For Church Calendar additions or amendments: Please contact either John Marshall, Mike Sharp or Revd Sudharshan.
Please report any broken links to the Site Editor - thank you!
Our Vision We strive to be more faithful in our discipleship, confident in our task of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in our community and ever joyful in our worship and all that we do in His service. As caring welcoming churches, we aim to serve, support and encourage each other to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

News And Events

Wyberton and

Frampton Church

& Community

Wyberton with Frampton

For Frampton Name: Frampton PCC Sort Code 51-81-08 Account number: 04612396
For Wyberton Name: Wyberton PCC Sort Code 40-12-30 Account number: 71590154
Click or tap individual line entry for more details. You may also select Week Month or Agenda view.
For Local Church Giving
This site uses Google analytics to indicate our website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors. Google services use cookies which may be deleted in user browser settings.
Church Calendar
We are part of the Local Mission Partnership ‘Boston South’ - parishes include: Boston, Wyberton, Frampton, Kirton, Algarkirk and the Haven Group of Bicker, Donington, Swineshead and Wigtoft.



Lead thefts are still a threat! If you see any suspicious activity near our churches - please dial 999 contacting the Police and also alert a church minister or church warden.
Usual Sunday Service Plan:
St Michael
St Mary
St Leodegar
11:00 SW
10:00 HC
11:00 HC
10:00 SW
Group Service >>
11:00 SW
11:00 SW
10:00 SW
Group Service
Venue rotates
in Frampton
Please note : SW = Service of the Word. HC = Holy Communion Church Services are held in St Leodegar’s Wyberton (livestreamed & catch up) and also St Mary’s Frampton or St Michael’s Frampton West. Group Services - 3rd Sunday St Leodegar’s Wyberton. 5th Sunday alternately in either of the Frampton Churches. Services may be subject to change, e.g. Baptisms and Festivals - so please check the Church Calendar and Notices on Worship Page for services and events. This site is updated weekly.
12 11 6 9 10 2 3 4 8 7 5 1
Events may also appear on our Fundraising page
Congratulations to Mike Eyre… He was commissioned on 18th January 2025, as our new Focal Minister in Frampton. Mike has already been with us as Church Organist and PCC Treasurer for many years. Focal Ministers are an everyday presence and focus of ministry within their local church and community. As a pillar of practical leadership, they strengthen and uphold our ability to be who we are called to be, bringing out the very best in all our activities and actions for Christ.
Bishop of Grimsby announces his Retirement After more than thirty years of ordained ministry, and the past eleven years as the Bishop of Grimsby, the Rt Revd Dr David Court has announced that he will retire at the end of July 2025.
General Synod February 2025 Watch Live or catchup on
R.I.P. Quentin - The Lord Davies of Stamford. His funeral on Friday 7th February in St Mary’s Frampton, was well attended. Family tributes were given by his sons Alexander and Nicholas.